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last update 05.03.25 by VITAL Team

World Wetlands Day: promote memory and local action

Every February the world marks World Wetlands Day to capture global attention for wetland conservation. Beyond the broad social media campaigns that generate widespread awareness around the…


16 results


Biocultural Diversity as a lens for future visions

Today, links between human communities and the natural environment remain strong only among people who have maintained close material and spiritual ties with their environments, such as Indigenous Peoples and some distinctive local communities, including inhabitants of the Venice Lagoon. Through …

Raising awareness

Birdwatching and biodiversity in the Venice Lagoon

Emanuele Stival, a passionate birdwatcher and member of the Venetian Society for Natural Sciences, established Venezia Birdwatching in 2015, to share his knowledge and observation practices. We invited Emanuele to share his story: about how he began as a birdwatcher and the changes he’s witne…

Raising awareness

Vital at the Floating Cinema 4th Edition

Vital is pleased to collaborate to the 4th edition of the Floating Cinema - Unknown Waters initiative, giving voice to …

Raising awareness

The exploration continues with "Giants of the Lagoon.”

Developed in the framework of WaterLANDS (GA 101036484), Giants of the Lagoon is a participatory experience that invites the exploration of the lagoon environment in a movement towards the observed subject: from the observation of the landscape, through the use of binoculars, to the sear…


Raising awareness

Ecologies of the Imaginary. Venice, the Lagoon and the Fantasy

Last year’s collaboration with Valentina Sturli and Prof. Alessandro Metlica of the Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies (DISLL) at the University of Padua have been collected in a volume "Ecologies of the Imaginary. Venice, the Lagoon and the Fantastic ", already

Raising awareness

World Wetlands Day: promote memory and local action

Every February the world marks World Wetlands Day to capture global attention for wetland conservation. Beyond the broad social media campaigns that generate widespread awareness around the…


Raising awareness

Citizen science project in the lagoon

The team of We are here Venice ETS, in the context of the EU project WaterLANDS


Raising awareness

Making socio-cultural values of the lagoon more visible

Over millennia and around the world, people have developed myriad ways of relating to nature and its different types of value, with consequences for how and what decisions affecting the state of nature are made. The Vital initiative is seeking ways to account for this within strategies to


Raising awareness

New funding for research in the Lagoon through investment in CSR

Coinciding with the 80th Venice International Film Festival, Giorgio Armani staged th…


Raising awareness

Photographic fieldwork

Over recent months, I have had the opportunity to join Vital scientists and researchers on field trips to monitor an artificial salt marsh in the central lagoon. Salt marshes behave like organisms, absorbing water and then slowly releasing it following the tidal cycle. They play an important role…


Raising awareness

'A Whole Barena' - collaboration with the photographer Matteo de Mayda

The photographer Matteo de Mayda, in collaboration with We are here Venice within the Vital initiatives, recently presented the project 'A Whole Barena' as part of 'Nuova Generazione. Contemporary looks at the Alinari Archives", by CAMERA and the Alinari Foundation for Photography. The project wa…

Raising awareness


‘The Mudflat Crew’

‘The Mudflat Crew’ is a Vital publication created by Pietro Leddi, inspired by exploration of the Vital pilot sites, the richness of the lagoon ecosystem, and Venetian folk stories and legends. It is designed to make people more mindful of the Lagoon, triggering curiosity especially among the you…

Raising awareness


Evidence-based communication strategies: Vital’s GIS platform

Evidence-based decision-making requires that the right people have the right information at the right time and in the right formats. Bridging the divide between research and decision-making requires collaboration, communication, and knowledge translation. As the effects…



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The Venice Agreement

We are here Venice, Ensayos, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Chile


Raising awareness

Lagunar - Amphibious Tales

Lagunar is a project developed by We are here Venice and the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano as part of the Project Visual Communication course of the Bachelor of Arts and Design degree, and is one of Vital's initiatives…



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Vital featured in 2023 scientific conferences

This was the year that the Vital initiative reached an important milestone in terms of “proof of concept” by beginning to be featured at scientific conferences - firstly in Bonn (Germany) at the 5th European Conf…


Raising awareness






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